Standing in Awe

Hello sweetie people,

This past month has been such a joy and so full of community! With the kick off of Covenant Makes I’ve had so many commissions and I’m starting to work up the designs for my first collection! It is such a dream and so so kind of the Lord to give me the opportunity to steward this!

As I embarked into 2025 I was asking God what He wanted to speak to me about each month this year and one of the things He whispered to my heart was diving into the fear of the Lord. Practically this has looked like reading the “Awe of God” by John Bevere and leaning into learning about World War II, interestingly enough. One major thing Holy Spirit is opening my eyes to about World War II is how the church of Germany responded to, what we see now as, the antichrist spirit. The German Church bowed to the heretical policies and views of the Nazi’s, allowing the fall of righteousness in Germany and the genecide of Jewish brothers and sisters in Christ. How did this happen within the church? There was a lack of the fear of the Lord and a love for religion and rules. Holy Spirit has been showing me it’s the fear and awe of God that keeps us near to His presence and His voice clear in our lives. If this is your first time hearing about the fear of the Lord, this means to have reverence and awe for God, not to be afriad of God. It means to be afriad of being away from His presence.

Recently in my morning time with Jesus I was struggling to connect with Him and get rid of distraction, so as I was making breakfast I saw the sun start rising and the beautiful colors that painted the sky. I quickly finished what I needed to do to get ready for work and drove to the beach to spend the rest of my morning there with Jesus. I was so struck with the awe and wonder of our Creator as I looked at His painting and I felt the manifest presence of God surrounding me. As I worshipped Him and gazed at His beauty I felt so romanced by what He was showing me that morning. The fear of the Lord draws us near to God, where we catch His heart for us, and access the full counsel of God described in Isaiah 11. He didn’t have to show Himself to me in this way, but He wanted to give me fresh revelation and encounter with Him. Connection to His heart isn’t found in good works and what I can do for Him, but in looking at Him and standing in awe.

“And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord . And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord . He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide disputes by what his ears hear,” Isaiah 11:2-3

“Let all the earth fear the Lord ; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!” Psalm 33:8

Scripture: “Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me. By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life.” Psalm 42:7-8

I have been meditating on this scripture for a few months now and I felt led to share an encounter I had with the Lord regarding this scripture. I was in a woman’s small group and we were worshipping and letting God minister to us, and God showed me a vision of me at the foot of His throne. I could see a waterfall bursting forth from His throne and knew there was an invitation to could stand under it. As I yielded to Holy Spirit’s call I was deeply touched by the Lord. In that moment I was overcome by His love, the fear of the Lord, and a longing to know more of Him. The depth of God within me calling to the depth of God in heaven, deep calling to deep.

Prayer: Lord, I ask for powerful encounters to those reading this, that you would meet them today and reveal your manifest presence to them. I pray they would feel the stirring of your Spirit within them to let your wellspring overflow out of them. Would they be incapible to do anything else but to thank you and spend more time in your presence. I love you, Abba! In Jesus name, Amen.

February favs:

  • book - “The Awe of God” by John Bevere

  • drink - warm lemon and honey water first thing in the morning and chamamile tea at night

  • song - “No Turning Back” by Steffany Gretzinger

  • activity - I’ve been knitting like a grandma at Christmas time recently! A lot of commission items and projects coming for Covenant Makes coming along!

Enjoy some photos from the past month!


“Behold I’m Doing a New Thing”